Immigrating to Ireland
While some places in the world are becoming more accepting towards trans people, a lot of places are getting more hostile and/or dangerous.
Recently more people have reached out about leaving their home country and moving to Ireland. However the worry about contininuing HRT as well as any other conditions they may have is, of course, right at the front of their mind.
Below you will find some general pointers about different aspects of immigrating to Ireland as a trans person.
Healthcare for trans people
The healthcare system in Ireland is split in public and private. Most medical services can be accessed either for free or at a low cost for people via the public system. Some special services or specific doctors or clinics may need a private referral as they might not be covered through the public system.
When it comes to accessing medical care for transgender people in Ireland, there is a public pathway and there are private options. The general path of transitioning in Ireland is outlines on this page:
Options for continued Care
Option 1 - NGS:
Within the HSE (Health Service Executive), the NGS (National Gender Service) exists as a gateway for transgender people to receive the care they need. The NGS currently states that they are seeing people that have been referred "between three and three and a half years ago". While this might be, for some trans people an acceptable wait time, if you are continuing HRT that you have started in another country, this might be too long of a wait.
Option 2 - a GP:
If you bring your current prescription(s) and any related diagnoses / your medical file, your new GP in Ireland might be willing to support you while you are looking for an Endocrinologist. Do a little bit of research into GPs in the area you wish to move into. Contact different GPs and ask them about their experience with trans people, their willingness to support you, and whether they are able and willing to write you a prescription based on the one you have from the country you are leaving.
Option 2 - Gender GP:
Gender GP is a European service for Transgender people who are unable to find doctors / a medical team that can support them with their transition. This is a private service and can be expensive, so you may need to save up for it in case you need to use them. As long as the prescribing GP is working and liscenced within the EEA and the prescription includes all the relevant information, Irish pharmacies are permitted to fill the prescription.​
What to prepare
Here is a little checklist of things to prepare for your continued care, be it HRT or other medical conditions:
Get a copy of your medical file from your current doctor / medical team.
Get a printed & signed prescription of the medication(s) you will be carrying through security.
If you have it, bring your diagnosis for Gender Dysphoria as per the DSM 5.
If possible, bring at least one month or more of your hormone treatments and/or other medication(s).
Do not forget to have your prescription at the ready!
This is to make sure you are covered with what you need while you are finding a new GP.