About Transhaven
The site
Transhaven came into existence when the editor realised that there was no one website that combined everything a transperson might want to read. From procedures to media to mental health to resources. While things can be found all over the internet, there aren't many places with everything in one place and easy to navigate.
So the idea to create that resource came to life and this website was started.
In fact, as you are reading this, this is the third iteration of transhaven.
The first version was hosted on a Squarespace 7.0 site. Once Squarespace updated the platform, the site was moved to version 7.1. However the realisation came at some point, that Squarespace as a platform was not the right choice any longer and so here we are, on Wix, with a new look, a smoother site, and hopefully an improved reading experience.
The vision
A society in which all trans people can exist without fear.
The mission
Transhaven aims to support trans people in all areas and stages of their journey.
Transhaven also works towards the vision statement by educating society, normalising trans people, building empathy, speaking our truths, and bringing to light the issues we face in all areas of our lives.
The Editor
Hi there, I'm happy you found your way to my website and hope you enjoy your stay.
I am Rob, the editor of transhaven.ie
I haven't always been Rob. I was assigned female at birth and while I never knew the right words, I always knew something is different in me. I was not a girl but being born in the 80's I had no vocabulary for how I felt inside, so in my mind "I want to be a boy" was the closest I got. I first stumbled across the term "Transsexual" when I was 17 or 18. We were watching TV and there was a documentary. It talked a little bit about trans people but they were displayed in a freakish way as it focussed on sexuality and medical treatments and over all the wrong things. Only when I turned 21, moved out, and had my own place, did I slowly start learning more about myself and what I felt. I learned terminology as well as the fact that there are others like me, and at around 23 or 24 years old I stumbled over the term "Transgender" and it clicked.
It took me many more years before I finally accepted that I am trans and another two years to come out and start my transition from female to male. I am still a work in progress, but getting to where I want to be slowly but surely. One step at a time!
While this site is created by me, in my living room, the information you find here is well researched with the help of many friends and allies as well as studies, personal accounts, looking into laws and regulations, and so much more. Should you find information that is factually wrong, please get in touch, so the information can be amended if need be.